Education journey of a lifetime
"The Great White North"
The world's second-largest country by surface but relatively small in terms of population, Canada punches above its weight in economic terms. It is one of world's top trading nations - and one of its richest.
Federal Parliamentary
North America
38 million
English, French
Canadian Dollar (CAD)

Why Canada?
Great job opportunities
Canada’s economy is growing, and growth inspires more need which opens up all sorts of opportunities for all kinds of professions.
Tuition and cost of living in Canada combined is seriously affordable compared to most other top destinations for international students.
Work while studying
International students in Canada are eligible to work up to 20 hours per week during school terms and full-time (30 hours/week) during scheduled breaks like summer vacation.
Overall quality of life
Canada is well known for it’s high standard of living combined with quality of life. Canadians value their downtime and that’s reflected in the number of public holidays and in the more relaxed working hours enjoyed by most residents. You can really feel more alive living in Canada thanks to the emphasis which is placed on relaxation.
Education 'superpower'
Canada’s education system is leaving rivals in the dust. According to surveys run by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Canada was one of only a handful of countries appearing in the top bracket for maths, science and reading.
Study in safety
Canada has a well-deserved international reputation as a tolerant and non-discriminatory society. It’s protected on three sides by oceans, and only shares a border with the United States. That distance provides a bit of a buffer from most international conflicts. Crime rates are also incredibly low.
Absolutely stunning
Words can’t really do justice to the beautiful Canadian scenery. Vast, sweeping and unspoiled there are great swathes of land which are virtually untouched by human feet.

Lifestyle in Canada

Best of the modern metropolitan living
Cities in Canada are modern, smart stylish and clean and consistently make the top 10 most livable cities in the world. You can easily live in a large suburban house and commute to work. You don’t have to go far outside the city centre to find a comfortable and affordable lifestyle.

Diverse and multicultural
A third of Canadian students weren’t born in Canada, but have settled in the country having migrated from elsewhere. Expats from America, Asia, Australia and various parts of Europe resulted in a wonderfully rich cultural experience evident in the cuisine, the fashion and the art of Canada. This vibrant cultural mixture ensures that children growing up have very broad minds and a good knowledge of the world around them.

Dependable social and public services
Public services in Canada are excellent and, with some of the best public transport that you can find, it’s easy to navigate too.
Whilst some locals may occasionally complain (in a polite way of course), many countries around the world look to Canada as a benchmark for quality public services.

Exciting outdoor lifestyle
During the warmer months it is possible to live most of your life outside in Canada. BBQs, sporting events, picnics, hikes…the list of outdoor activities you can do for free or very cheaply is huge. Most Canadian children spend a lot of their childhood outside playing. As for the adults, they also get the right balance of work and play thanks to the perfect environment to enjoy both.